Petition for Reinstatement-EWC
**You are only eligible for this petition if you have received an email indicating “Enrollment Withheld Continued” as your current standing**
Submission Deadline for Winter 2025 Term: January 17, 2025 *Please note that these deadlines are not negotiable.*
Steps for Petitioning for Reinstatement- Enrollment Withheld Continued
- Complete a Petition for Reinstatement-Enrollment Withheld Continued by the deadline above.
- Make an appointment with your academic advisor as soon as possible:
- Ensure that your transcript is complete and accurate.
- Check your record on Wolverine Access — if grades are not current or accurate, obtain signed letters from instructors indicating correct grades and attach to your petition.
- Make sure that your phone number and address is accurate in the University directory.
- The Scholastic Standing Committee must be able to contact you for appointments, decisions and additional questions.
- The Scholastic Standing Committee will review your petition using the following guidelines:
- Your prospects for academic success
- The issues you identify as being barriers to your success and actions that you have taken to remedy the issues so they will not impact your future academic success
- Whether you met previous reinstatement conditions (if applicable)
- If it is determined that you must meet with the Committee, you will be contacted by the Scholastic Standing Committee staff to arrange an appointment. If a meeting is unnecessary, you will be informed of the Committee’s decision via mail and email.
- IMPORTANT: While your petition is pending, it is imperative that you attend all classes for which you intend to register, if your petition is approved. Additional documentation may be requested.
Keep in mind:
- If you fail to meet the petition deadlines indicated on your official notification of academic standing (mailed within three weeks following each term), you will forfeit your right to petition for those terms and you will be withdrawn from any future terms. There are no exceptions to this rule.
- Reinstatement is not automatic, and depends largely on a realistic assessment of your prospects for academic success. If personal issues are adversely impacting your performance, the Committee may recommend a temporary leave until the issues are resolved.
- If your enrollment has been withheld two times, you must take leave from the University for the next full academic term. There are no exceptions to this rule. If granted reinstatement at a later date, you will have a terminal term to meet your reinstatement conditions; otherwise, you will be permanently dismissed from the University of Michigan.
- To graduate, students must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 program GPA. It is a policy of the College not to reinstate a student who has taken all courses required for a degree, but does not have a 2.0 grade point average