The Scholastic Standing Committee (SSC) supports undergraduate College of Engineering students who have faced academic challenges that have affected their academic performance. The Engineering Center for Academic Success (ECAS) works in collaboration with academic advisors to support students through the SSC process. These organizations fall within the purview of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (ADUE). This document describes the academic standing categories, the types of petitions the SSC reviews, and how academic advisors can best support their students.
Definitions of Academic Standing
Students are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA for every term as well as cumulatively as they earn credits at UM-Ann Arbor, referred to as Michigan Semester Hours (MSH). They earn
Michigan Honor Points (MHP) = Overall GPA* Michigan Semester Hours (MSH).
An overall GPA under 2.0 results in probation and an Honor Point Deficit (HPD), where
Honor Point Deficit (HPD) = Desired MHP – Actual MHP
= (2.0 * Michigan Semester Hours) – MHP
A third probation, or an HPD of 10 or greater due to extremely poor performance, results in being placed on Enrollment Withheld status. Details of all the Academic Standing categories are on the next page, along with suggestions on how you can best support your student based on their academic standing.
Types of SSC Petitions
The types of petition that a student might submit to the SSC are listed in the table below.
- If the student reaches out to you, please guide them as to the appropriate petition for their situation and advise them regarding academic consequences of their request (e.g. effect of dropping a required class). If you have concerns about which petition a student should submit, or have concerns about timelines, you can refer them to the Scholastic Standing Committee Administrator, Tomika White, via email to [email protected] .
- If the student submits a petition, please respond to the SSC email requesting feedback promptly.
- Please follow up with the student when you receive a copy of the email with the resolution of their petition, and provide academic support.
Definitions of Academic Standing
Academic Standing |
Cause |
SSC Action |
Department Advisor Suggestion |
Students Cumulative GPA < 2.0 Term or Cum GPA is under 2.0 with an Honor Point Deficit* > 0 but < 10 |
1st and 2nd Probation students are instructed to follow up with their academic advisor. 3rd Probation results in “Enrollment Withheld” |
Reach out to student to offer academic support
A deficiency of 10 MHP* or above for the term or cumulative average, or Student placed on probation for the 3rd time. |
Student may submit an EW petition. If a student does not petition or the petition is not approved, the student is disenrolled from any courses with no fees. If the petition is approved, the student is assigned an SSC Academic Coach. Halfway through the semester students will submit an Academic Progress Report signed by their faculty with current grades to determine if they are meeting SSC requirements, in which case the advisor can approve early registration. |
Discuss the EW petition with the student, or advise them on alternative plans. Reply ASAP to the SSC request for advisor feedback on their petition. If the petition is not approved by SSC, advise the student on alternative plans and stay in touch. If the petition is approved, meet regularly with the student to discuss progress in meeting requirements, in coordination with their SSC Academic Coach. Sign Academic Progress Report and make a recommendation regarding early registration, else they will register after grades are posted. |
Reinstatement conditions are met but student needs more time to be restored to good standing, or The student was close to conditions, and the advisor approved continuation. |
The student must submit a “Reinstatement, EWC” form to receive conditions for the next term from their advisor. |
Provide guidance to SSC to determine whether EWC is merited ASAP Advise student as to appropriate coursework to propose to the committee Support student as in EW section above. |
Student is placed on EW status a second time, or is placed on Probation after having been on Enrollment Withheld There appears to be a need to address more severe academic and/or personal concerns affecting their academic performance. |
Student is discontinued and required to take a full semester (Fall or Winter) off from the University. If the student plans to return, SSC approves access to UMICH accounts. Student may petition to waive mandatory sit out, or petition for reinstatement after their mandatory sit out. |
Discuss reasons for ML with the student to determine if a retroactive term withdrawal petition or a petition to waive mandatory leave is warranted. Guide the student regarding the best use of time away from Michigan, e.g. a semester at a community college after the underlying issue has been addressed. Discuss reinstatement petition toward the end of their leave. |
Student has met all their requirements, and their overall and term GPAs are above a 2.0 |
The student is freed of all SSC stipulations. Their SSC academic coach continues to be available to the student should they want to continue to meet with them. |
Offer continued support. |
Student falls below 2.0 GPA after having been placed on Mandatory Leave |
Student is no longer allowed to take courses at the University, thereby Dismissed. All dismissals are determined by the ADUE and are not reversible. |
Provide feedback to ADUE in making the decision regarding whether to dismiss. Discuss alternative plans with the student. |
Types of SSC Petitions
Petition type |
Reason to submit |
What SSC is looking for |
Drop or add a class after the ninth week of the full term or fifth week of half term and up to the last day of classes for the semester. Research credits can be added beyond that deadline without formal approval through the College Registrar. |
Evidence of extenuating circumstances that took place after the nine-week drop deadline that affected their performance. Supporting documentation. Why circumstances affected the class they are asking to withdraw from and not their other classes. |
Drop a class or the whole semester after the last day of classes. Deadline is the last day of classes one year after the end of the semester. |
Evidence of extenuating circumstances that took place after the drop deadline that prevented the student from doing well. Supporting documentation, such as letters showing proof of medical illness, letter confirming mental health treatment received. |
Seeking to return to Michigan after mandatory leave |
Evidence that the student overcame the challenge and is ready to return. Typically students will have successfully completed a semester at a local community college and should provide clear proof of their grades, or have proof from a health professional that they are ready to return. |
Student is already approved for EWC, they only need to submit the courses they plan to take for approval by their departmental advisor and the SSC |
Appropriate course selections. |
Reason for academic performance has already been addressed and student doesn’t feel they would benefit from a one-term mandatory sit out. |
Evidence that issues have been addressed and student can be successful |
Everything else not addressed by above petitions |
Appropriateness of the request |