The Scholastic Standing Committee (SSC) monitors and upholds the academic standards of the College of Engineering as defined in the Bulletin . The Committee studies problems related to scholastic performance and recommends criteria for defining scholastic deficiencies. It hears appeals of students whose enrollment has been withheld because of scholastic deficiencies, determines which students shall be reinstated and authorizes their reinstatement. It also decides upon Petitions for Late Adds/Withdrawals and Exceptions to College Rules.
You might initially be contacted by the SSC if you are no longer in Good Standing. These negative academic standings include: Probation, Enrollment Withheld, Enrollment Withheld Continued, Mandatory Leave or Dismissal. Most of these are followed by the SSC petition process.
Academic Resources for Students on Scholastic Standing
Resources marked with an * are free for students to utilize!
- *Engineering Learning Center
- *Math Lab
- *Physics Help Room
- *Tau Beta Pi Tutoring
- *Science Learning Center Tutoring (Drop-In and Appointment-Based)
- Mathematics Private Tutor List
- EECS Tutoring (Drop-In* and Private)
Please see the Academic Resources page of our website for more information about each service above.