How Do I Report a Suspected Violation?

*Please note: Suspected honor code violations must be reported by two months from the last day of classes in which the potential violation occurred.  (Policy effective Winter 2014)

  • Write a memo including what violation you suspect, why you suspect it, and what students are involved.
  • Send a copy of this memo, along with copies of all evidence to the Engineering Center for Academic Success (ECAS), 273 Chrysler Center, 734-764-4139, [email protected].
  • Evidence items usually include:
    • Copy of the assignment(s) in question that was submitted by the student(s)
    • If a potential violation is in relation to a copied online source or previous solution, please provide the link or copy of solutions
    • Syllabus for the course
    • Any other relevant documentation to the case (i.e., emails from students, GSIs, etc)
    • You may want to also include other materials you commonly distribute in class (notes, presentation slides, or other communication) when appropriate.

***If you have any questions about gathering additional evidence items please email the Honor Code administrative team at [email protected].***

  • An investigator from the Honor Council may contact you soon after the case is submitted. Since Honor Council procedures are kept confidential, accusers are encouraged to refrain from discussing the case with anyone not directly involved. Students should receive an incomplete (I) in a class where an Honor Council procedure has not been completed.
  • No additional evidence items are typically required, however, if additional information is needed the Honor Code Administrative team will reach out for assistance. 

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Honor Council Administrator at [email protected].