University of Michigan- College of Engineering
Honor Code Violations
Appeal Procedure
A student found responsible of a College of Engineering Honor Code violation may file an appeal with the College of Engineering Executive Committee on any of the following grounds:
- Proper procedures were not followed;
- Sanctions are not consistent with past practice;
- There is new evidence not reasonably available at the time of the hearing before the Faculty Committee on Discipline.
The College of Engineering Executive Committee shall not review findings of fact made by the Faculty Committee on Discipline.
The College of Engineering Executive Committee has sole discretion to determine if sufficient grounds exist for consideration of an appeal.
If the request for appeal has merit, the College of Engineering Executive Committee shall review the appeal as soon as practical after it has been filed and will give the student, along with the Chair/Associate Chair of FCD, an opportunity to address the Committee in person.
Following the review, the College of Engineering Executive Committee may sustain or reverse the finding of an honor code violation. If the finding of academic dishonesty stands, the Committee may sustain, modify, or increase the sanction imposed. The student will be informed by email/letter of the Committee’s decision.
Students have 1 week from the receipt of their Honor Code decision to submit their letter of appeal to the Executive Committee
Completed appeal letters should be emailed to the Honor Council Administrator at [email protected] and should be addressed c/o:
Professor Joanna M. Millunchick
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
College of Engineering
University of Michigan